Thursday, November 09, 2006

i got my ears lowered . . .

yep . . its true i decided to get a haircut. i've let my hair grow for about 2 years now and enough's enough. i thought it would be nice to go to my class reunion with hair the same length as it was in high school. now that that is over i tied it in a not one last time and went to visit my sister. it's nice to have members of the family that do hair. i have never had to pay for 'hair care'. i'm not sure what i would do if i did have to reallt pay. i'm sure it would grow down to my 'ha ha'. in high school i had to close my eyes to let mom cut it. then i got a 'wild' hair after graduation adn cut 13 inches off. it has never really been the same.

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this afternnon at 3:00 i did the deed and got a grown-up hair cut.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting we forgot to measure but as you can see . . about 6 inches.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

let me know what ya'll think..
jess :-P


Angie said...

I didn't realize your hair had gotten so long. When we saw you in July I remembered thinking that was thw longest your hair has been since you have been in the family.

I love the new DO! I think that is the perfect length for you. It is so cute on you.

Anonymous said...

Love your new haircut... cute.. cute..

Anonymous said...

Love your new haircut... cute.. cute..